7 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut

Do you know the signs?

One of the questions I've been asked is "How do you know if you have an unhealthy gut?"

So I decided to answer this question in my latest video, the 7 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut.

Knowing these signs will help you figure out if your gut health is subpar and potentially what may be causing your gut issues.

The 7 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut

Watch my short video to find out what the 7 signs are.


Sign #1: Digestive Upset

Any form of digestive issue, such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, irregularity, etc. means there is an imbalance in the gut microbiome. I experienced some of these symptoms when I was on medication which is why I started my Intuitive Gut Healing Journey.

Sign #2: Unintentional Weight Changes

Women come to me as an Intuitive Nutrition Coach for help with weight loss, amongst other things. But sometimes this weight gain can be attributed to an unhealthy gut. This is because the gut is unable to properly absorb nutrients from food, cannot regulate blood sugar levels, manage fat storage etc.

Sign #3: Food Intolerances

This can show up as any kind of digestive uncomfortability or skin issues after eating a particular food group which is causing inflammation in the body. The amount of good bacteria in your digestive system may be affected by these food groups resulting in a gut bacteria imbalance and food intolerance.

Sign #4: High Refined Sugar Diets

Sugar causes inflammation in the body that can cause inflammation that can lead to chronic conditions. The bad bacteria in the gut also feeds off of the sugar, causing it to grow more than the good gut bacteria.

Sign #5: Poor Sleep and/or Low Energy

Serotonin, the feel good hormone, is mostly produced in the gut. But when out gut health is impaired, our sleep can get disrupted and serotonin is not produced as much by the gut. This also affects our mood and energy levels.

Sign #6: Skin Irritation

Some forms of exzema may be related to an unhealthy gut. When the gut is inflamed, certain proteins can leak out of the gut causing irritation. This then shows up on the skin's surface.

Sign #7: Auto-Immune Conditions

Our gut health directly impacts our immune system. Auto-immune conditions may occur when some kind of foreign pathogen gets into the body, but because the body is experiencing a lot of inflammation, due to gut microbiome imbalances, the immune system malfunctions. Instead of attacking the pathogen, the immune system attacks the body itself.

If you are experiencing any of these signs of an unhealthy gut, please know that you are not alone. We likely have all experienced something like this before. Even as an Intuitive Nutrition Coach, taking a heavy dosage of a certain medication, caused me to experience some of these symptoms too.

The good news is that our gut health can be healed. That is why I am sharing with you all about my 30 Day Intuitive Gut Healing Journey! Sign up for my email list to find out how you can start healing your gut today.


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