Pumpkin Protein Oatmeal

More Pumpkin Goodness!

I have never been so excited to create pumpkin recipes!

There is definitely something great about having such a versatile and nutritious ingredient to create recipes for!

This week's recipe is one that I am so excited for because it involves one of my recent fave recipes, Protein Oatmeal!

Pumpkin Protein Oatmeal

All About those Toppings 

I never used to like oatmeal as a kid. There’s was something about the gloopy texture and bland flavor that really threw me off. 

It wasn’t until I was an adult that I tried oatmeal again. Actually, it was Starbucks oatmeal! You know the one - it comes with dried fruit, nuts, brown sugar and you top the oatmeal with it. 

This totally changed how I saw oatmeal. I finally understood that oatmeal is not just about the oats, it can also be perfectly complemented by the toppings. They add flavor and texture and totally elevate oatmeal to a new level. 

So if you were like me as a kid and hated oatmeal, I'm here to tell you that trying oatmeal again, especially this Protein Oatmeal recipe, can be a total game changer!

Protein FTW!

When I started learning more about nutrition, I realized that while oatmeal was seen as a hearty and healthy breakfast, it was also missing one thing that was really important to me... protein!

Protein has the highest satiation factor, meaning that it makes you feel more full than just eating carbohydrates or fats. 

Have you ever had that hungry feeling pretty soon after eating a bowl of plain oatmeal? Or even cereal or toast? That can sometimes be attributed to a lack of protein.

If I am feeling super hungry all day, I instantly know that it is because I haven't had enough protein that day. And especially during breakfast, if I don't start the day with a good boost of protein, it can really throw off my whole day.

So to amp up the nutritional content of my oatmeal, I added some protein powder. You can literally use any protein powder you like. I really love the Vega Protein Powders. They are a vegan protein, which means the protein source is peas, but you could use a whey protein if that is something you like to use. 

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Adding protein to this oatmeal will help to keep you feeling fuller for longer, which is perfect for those Fall days when you’re running around to pumpkin patches or Halloween decoration shopping. 

Pumpkin Protein Oatmeal

Tasty Meal Prepping Made Easy

Protein oatmeal is a fantastic meal prep breakfast. You can make a couple of servings, keep it in the fridge, then heat it up when you’re ready to eat. 

Don’t forget the yummy toppings too! I like to add pecans, coconut, another dollop of pumpkin purée, some sugar free maple syrup and extra pumpkin pie spice too.

This Pumpkin Protein Oatmeal tastes like the quintessential Fall breakfast! The pumpkin pie spice creates such a warm, inviting aroma, and the slight pumpkin flavor is reminiscent of pumpkin pie. I also love adding the crunch of pecans or the chewyness of coconut too!

I’ve had people asking for this recipe ever since I posted it on my Instagram! Well I am so excited to finally share this easy Fall recipe with you! 

If you like this recipe, snap a photo and tag me on social media at nourish_with_renata on IG or Facebook. I'd love to see what you make!

Pumpkin Protein Oatmeal

Pumpkin Protein Oatmeal

The perfect Fall breakfast, Pumpkin Protein Oatmeal! Packed with protein and all your fave Fall flavors.

  • 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1.5 cup water
  • 1.5 servings vanilla protein powder
  • 4 tbsp pumpkin purée
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon or pumpkin spice powder
  • Toppings: (chopped pecans, coconut, maple syrup, pumpkin purée etc)
  1. In a medium sized bowl, add oats and water, and microwave for 2-3 minutes, till oatmeal is cooked. This mixture will look very loose but don’t worry, the protein powder will thicken it up.
  2. Add in the protein powder, cinnamon/pumpkin spice powder and pumpkin purée and stir thoroughly.
  3. Depending on the consistency of oatmeal you like, you can add more water or milk to loosen the oatmeal more.
  4. Transfer the oatmeal to two serving bowls and top with your favorite toppings like chopped pecans, coconut, maple syrup and an extra dash of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice.

  5. Enjoy!

You can also refrigerate the oatmeal (without toppings) and reheat at a later time

For another yummy Fall breakfast, make sure you check out the Stove Top Pumpkin Granola recipe. So good!


The Busy Mom's Guide to Healthy Halloween Treats!


Stove Top Pumpkin Granola