Cheat Days: Do You Need Them?

Have you recently started a new diet? If so, then you might already be finding it difficult to stay healthy and keep on track. This is why a lot of professional dieticians and health professionals may recommend that people explore using cheat days. Let’s look at this concept in a little more detail and decide whether it is the right choice for you. 

What’s A Cheat Day?

A cheat day or cheat meal is essentially a day/meal during your diet when you can eat anything that you want. This could include full unhealthy meals filled with fat, takeouts or possibly sugary treats for dessert. In some cases it might include all three. The purpose of a cheat day is to help you avoid a huge binge where you completely ruin your diet. The cheat day/meal is done in a relaxed and controlled fashion. In theory, you can get back to your diet the next day or even the next meal, depending on how you are approaching this option. 

Will You Put On Weight?

Since a cheat day/meal is controlled and it may occur on a particular interval, such as once a week or once a month. Because of this, it usually won’t have much of an impact on your weight at all. In fact, you might find that you continue to lose weight, regardless of taking a cheat day. Although this will of course depend on your calorie intake and whether you keep up your exercise routine. 

Do You Need A Cheat Day?

This largely depends on how you experience dieting. If you find it easy to diet and have no problem eating healthy, there’s probably no reason for a cheat day. However, if you are struggling then it can be quite beneficial and ensure that you get to eat what I call "occasional" foods in a controlled way. Some people find that they can also cheat on a cheat day by eating foods with natural sugars such as fruits. That way, you can satisfy your sweet tooth craving and stay on the right track with your diet. 

What Should You Eat On Your Cheat Day?

There are countless options for your cheat day that could be perfect for you. For instance, you might want to focus on some delicious desserts. For instance, if you love creamy treats then you might want to try an eclair recipe guaranteed to satisfy your craving for something sweet. Or this DIY Chocolate fave! You could also combine sweet choices with some delicious fruit by preparing a desert like my Raspberry Almond Butter Freezer Fudge. 

Raspberry Almond Butter Fudge

I hope this helps you understand some of the key reasons why cheat days might be beneficial. The mistake you need to avoid here is a cheat day becoming the norm or simply taking too many. If you do this, then you risk ending up yo-yo dieting. This occurs when you switch between a healthy diet and a diet filled with junk. It will cause your body to struggle to lose weight in the long term because it gets used to you putting it on and taking it off at regular intervals. 

Not sure if cheat days or meals are right for you? Then join me on a FREE 20 minute Nutrition Call and let's chat about the best way of eating for you.

Will you try a cheat day or meal? Let me know below!

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Lucy Watty: From Overwhelmed Mom-preneur to Productivity Queen


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